
Showing posts from January, 2023

Evidence for a pre trib rapture based on scripture FROM Genesis

    Disclaimer   Now please NOTE that this is NOT a study pertaining to a multitude of saved Christian saints being caught up (or as man call “the rapture) in the book of Genesis because THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. This will be a study using scriptures from Genesis that can prove how God deals with those He deems righteous and protects them from His wrath when the world receives a judgement.  A particular individual (Enoch) is taken in the book of Genesis, but this study’s focus is moreso about some examples of evidence that will show that there will be a pre Time of Jacob’s Trouble catching away (if these are correct terms) based on an understanding from the scriptures based on reading selected scriptures in Genesis. However, using that as a title would be extremely long. *Please note* for TERMINOLOGY USED: "pre trib rapture" is NOT a scriptural term, this term is not found in the scriptures but many people are aware of this term so this is used as a hope to help...