Understanding The King James Bible: Whence, Thence, Wherefore, Therefore, Thy, Thine, Thou, Ye, etc,
Whence and thence speak of source either place or time. Example whence comest thou, or when you depart thence. It is kind of like where and there. Whence is related to Thence, as adverbs the difference between THENCE and WHENCE is that THENCE is from THERE, from THAT place or from That Time (I came thence), but WHENCE is from WHERE, from which place or source. Therefore indicates a conclusion on previous statements, wherefore seems to me to direct into new doctrine built upon what has been said previously wherefore ˈ(h)wer-ˌfȯr ADVERB for what reason or purpose : why therefore NOUN an answer or statement giving an explanation : reason where·fore [ˈ(h)werˌfôr] ADVERB for what reason: "she took an ill turn, but wherefore I cannot say" there·fore [ˈT͟Herˌfôr] ADVERB for that reason; consequently: "he was injured and therefore unable to play" Therefore is an adverb that means for that reason or consequently1. It is used to show ...